Technical Blog: Part 1 - Udacity Reflection

Can you think of an analogy to describe HTML, CSS and the DOM? How would you describe it to your non-technical friend?

A car as analogy of a webpage:

The HTML of a car would be the structure of this, for example, the frame, the chassis, the door, the windows, the mirrows etc. The CSS provides the style, the painting, shape, the colour of the lights, basically the general look and feel. Sweet car!

The DOM is the driver. The person who understands how to drive the car and control the mechanism of the car, when to change gear, accelerate, stop or change a flat wheel.

What is meant by boxifying design?

boxifying design means that all the elements we can see on a webpage are within boxes/square or rectangular shapes, even the circules are inside boxes

What is the box model?

The box model is the specification that defines how a box and its attributes relate to each other. In its simplest form, the box model tells browsers that a box defined as having width 100 pixels and height 50 pixels should be drawn 100 pixels wide and 50 pixels tall.

Box Model

Technical Blog: Part 2 - Udacity Reflection

What is grid based design?

Grid design is a structure comprising a series of horizontal and vertical lines which intersect and are then used to arrange content. Grid is a way of providing a system that developers and designers can work with to structure and present content and imagery in a much more readable and manageable way.

What is all the hype about responsive webpages?

Smartphones, tablets, games consoles, smart tv, smart watch,laptops, smart wristband etc. aincreasing rapidly, so the importance of device-friendly websites is high

Responsive Web Design (RWD) provides an optimal website viewing experience, ease of reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones)

What is semantic structure?

Semantic structure is when the computers understand the roles of the elements inside the documents. If we want to creating proper semantics, we need to deeply understand the structure of our content and the capabilities of frontend technologies.

If you carefully plan the structure of your HTML documents, you can help computers make sense of the meaning of your content.

Keep Coding!
